I Tested Every Colored Pencil to Find the BEST ONE!


This article is currently under construction while my team and I gather all the information we have collected and build it into a format that’s easy for you to read! We’ll be including the results of every pencil for every test over the next few weeks.

For now, you can watch the video below to see the summary, and find all of the tested brands with links to purchase below.

If you’d like to be notified by email when everything is updated, you can join my email newsletter, and you’ll also get a free coloring book.

PLEASE NOTE: All information presented in this article are my opinions only. This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them (at no cost to you). I have personally purchased all of the pencils used in this review, except a few that were given to me by the companies in the past for other videos/articles. None of these brands are associated with this review and have not been given any priority or input. These include Black Widow Monarch, Arrtx, Derwent Chromaflow, Winsor & Newton.

Budget-Priced Colored Pencils

Mid Price Range Colored Pencils

Mid-High Range Colored Pencils

High Price Range Colored Pencils

The post I Tested Every Colored Pencil to Find the BEST ONE! appeared first on Sarah Renae Clark – Coloring Book Artist and Designer.

About the Author

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